sqlmapapi 的简单使用
0x00 关于sqlmapapi.py
0x01 用于交互的方法
# 用户方法
@get("/task/new") Create new task ID.
@get("/task/<taskid>/delete") Delete own task ID.
# 管理函数
@get("/admin/<taskid>/list") List task pull.
@get("/admin/<taskid>/flush") Flush task spool (delete all tasks).
# 核心交互函数
@get("/option/<taskid>/list") List options for a certain task ID
@post("/option/<taskid>/get") Get the value of an option (command line switch) for a certain task ID
@post("/option/<taskid>/set") Set an option (command line switch) for a certain task ID
@post("/scan/<taskid>/start") Launch a scan
@get("/scan/<taskid>/stop") Kill a scan
@get("/scan/<taskid>/status") Return status of a scan
@get("/scan/<taskid>/data") Retrieve the data of a scan
@get("/scan/<taskid>/log/<start>/<end>") Retrieve a subset of log messages
@get("/scan/<taskid>/log") Retrieve the log messages
@get("/download/<taskid>/<target>/<filename:path>") Download a certain file from the file system
0x02 sqlmapapi.py参数如下
它的-s参数可以启动一个服务(返回一个Admin Id),只要将url给它就行了:
0x03 简单使用
创建任务 使用@get("/task/new")方法创建一个新的任务
指定参数 使用@post("/option/<taskid>/set")方法设置参数
开始扫描 使用@post("/scan/<taskid>/start")方法开始扫描
获取探测是否结束 使用@get("/scan/<taskid>/status")获取探测是否结束
获取探测结果 使用@get("/scan/<taskid>/data")获取探测结果,如果不能注入,则获取到的结果为空,如下:
{u'data': [], u'success': True, u'error': []}
- 删除任务 使用@get("/task/delete")方法删除一个任务.
>>>resp = requests.get('')
{u'success': True}
0x04 简单示例
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
import json
import requests
url_list = {}
url_list['url1'] = ''
url_list['url2'] = ''
url_list['url3'] = ''
for key in url_list.keys():
payload = {}
resp = requests.get('') #创建任务
taskid = resp.json()['taskid']
payload['url'] = url_list[key]
headers = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
if resp.json()['success']: #指定参数
print "set options..."
url = "" % taskid
resp = requests.post(url,data=json.dumps(payload),headers=headers)
if resp.json()['success']: #开始扫描
print "start scan..."
url = "" % taskid
resp = requests.post(url,data=json.dumps(payload),headers=headers)
print "scan runing..."
if resp.json()['success']:
while 1:
url = "" % taskid #查看扫描状态
resp = requests.get(url)
if resp.json()['status'] != 'terminated':
print "scan end."
url = "" % taskid #获取扫描结果
data = requests.get(url)
print data.json()['data']
print "delete task"
url = "" % taskid
print "new task error"